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Membrane Transporters & Structural Biology Laboratory

Selected Publications

1. J Song, GI Shin, JY Noh, Jh Lee, DH Kim, GR Ryu, GI Ahn, HM Jeon, HP Diao, YM Park, MG Kim, WY Kim, YJ Kim, EJ Sohn, CS Song, and IH Hwang, Plant-based, adjuvant-free, potent multivalent vaccines for avian influenza virus via Lactococcus surface display,

J Integr Plant Biol . (2021) May 29.


2. Kim Y, Jeong E, Jeong JH, Kim Y, Cho Y (2020) Structural Basis for Activation of the Heterodimeric GABA B Receptor,

J Mol Biol. 432(22): 5966-5984


3. Jeong, E, Lee, SG. Kim, HS. Yang, J. Shin, J. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Scharer, O. D. Kim, Y. Yeo, JE. Kim, HM. Cho, Y (2020) Structural basis of the fanconi anemia-associated mutations within the FANCA and FANCG complex,

Nucleic Acids Res, 48(6): 3328–3342. 2.


4. Kwon NY, Kim Y, Lee JO (2020) The application of helix fusion methods in structural biology,

Curr Opin Struct Biol, 110-116


5. Lee, EB, Jeon, HM. Kim, CU, Park, SM, Cho, G, Kim, HJ, Kim, Y, Kim, DJ, Kim, Y. S., Lee, H, Lee, JO (2019) Attachment of flagellin enhances the immunostimulatory activity of a hemagglutinin-ferritin nano-cage,

Nanomedicine, 223-235 3.


6. Kwon NY, Kim Y, Lee JO (2019), Structural diversity and flexibility of diabodies,

Methods, 154:136-142


7. Kim Y and Chen J (2018), Molecular structure of human P-glycoprotein in the ATP-bound, outward-facing conformation

Science, 359(6378):915-919


8. Kim YJ and Lee JO (2013), Recognition of Lipopolysaccharides by TLR4 and its Accessory Proteins

Bio Design, 3-12


9. Eckert JK*, Kim YJ*, Kim JI, Gürtler K, Oh DY, Sur S, Lundvall L, van der Ploeg A, Pickkers P, GiamarellosBourboulis E, Kubarenko AV, Weber AN, Kabesch M, Kumpf O, An HJ, Lee JO, Schumann RR (2013), The Crystal Structure of Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein Reveals the Location of a Frequent Mutation that Impairs Innate Immunity ,

Immunity, 39, 1-14 * co-author


10. An HJ, Shin H, Jo SG, Kim YJ, Lee JO, Paik SG, Lee H (2011), The survival effect of mitochondrial Higd-1a is associated with suppression of cytochrome C release and prevention of caspase activation

Biochim Biophys Acta, 1813(12):2088-98


11. An HJ*, Kim YJ*, Song DH*, Park BS, Kim HM, Lee JD, Paik SG, Lee JO, Lee H (2011), Crystallographic and mutational analysis of the CD40-CD154 complex and its implications for receptor activation

J. Biol. Chem, 286(13): 11226-11235 *co-author

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